Early Career Research Award Guidelines

1. General information

HEPA Europe believes in the importance of supporting researchers at an early stage in their career to develop their professional identity. With the 16th conference, HEPA Europe are pleased to reopen an Early Career Research Award intended to recognize the contribution of early career researchers at the start of their scientific journey. Early career researchers will have the opportunity to enter this prestigious competition for scientific excellence.

2. Eligibility and Selection Guidelines

Abstracts submitted by the 21st April 2025 whose authors expressed interest and met the eligibility criteria for the Early Career Research Award will be considered. Conference registration is required for all presenters to be considered for the Award. Shortlisted authors will be notified via email by 17th June 2025. Final assessments will be made during session presentations by representatives from the HEPA Europe Conference Scientific Committee and Session Chairs. Presentations will be assessed for clarity, scientific quality, novelty and contribution to the field.

Note: Only one abstract per candidate will be considered for the Award. 

3. Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the award, the individual must:

-          be presenting as the lead author

-          be within 5 years of receiving their highest degree

-          live, work or study within a country of the WHO European Region

-          provide a short biography (max 200 words) which will be requested following notification of the shortlisting process

4. Award

The winner will receive the Early Career Research Award certificate which will be presented during the closing ceremony on the final day of the HEPA Europe conference.

Further inquiries for authors whose abstracts were accepted for oral presentations and have been considered for the Early Career Research Award can be made by contacting: hepa2025@lsu.lt

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